Strategy and Planning To Adapt To Write 12000 Words Dissertation

Write 12000 Words Dissertation

Each student is asked to write a dissertation during the final year of the degree. If the students begin the dissertation writing task as soon as possible, they will have a lot of time before the deadline to complete it. We recognize that it is not possible to write a dissertation all in one day, or overnight but you can do it faster if you plan things out. Writing is in fact thinking, you could come up with the best ideas during the writing process itself. The two most critical aspects of the day are start and end. You should try to build a routine at an early stage. Continuing this routine to the end of the task is also important. Some students are unable to start the dissertation writing activity at the beginning of the year due to lack of time, and they face several problems just before the deadline to complete the dissertation. If you don’t finish it on time, you are going to pay a heavy price for it. Therefore, top dissertation writing services have developed strategy and planning for you to adapt to write 12000 words dissertation:

Choose The Topic Of Your Interest:

Choosing a suitable topic is very crucial. Your topic should be one that has enough relevant data available. Try to use a perfect topic at the start of the research. Do not change it again and again otherwise, you will lose your focus. Choose a topic that is interesting to you and has been the focus of much research so that you can find enough data. In this way, you will be able to complete it on time without wasting time.

Set A Time Table:

Staying organized at an early stage is very necessary. Develop a plan you can adhere to. Dedicate one or two days to intense study to ensure that the data are obtained in this period. Assign chunks of time to meet those goals and breaks down this long task into segments.  The written part will be reserved for the next three to four days. You can compose about 12,000 words in just four days if you manage to write 3,000 words a day. As you can see it’s certainly possible to write a dissertation within a week. You can write in four days and edit in the next two days including adding references. Be prepared to do strict planning where your time is practically planned by the minute. You should be prepared to be reading a lot, mostly journals and books. Studying and analyzing data takes focus, commitment, and a great deal of time.

Read More: Top Reasons To Know Why Socializing Is Important For Student

Start Writing:

Try to focus as much as possible when working on your dissertation. Remove all the possible distractions. Put down your phone, disable updates on social media and forget about extra breaks and television. Morning and night time is good for writing. Distractions are less common during these parts of the day although they are always there. Note, however, that it is best to have a good night’s sleep to keep up a fast pace of work. Writing would include an abstract, introduction, main body, conclusion, and bibliography, etc. try to write abstract and conclusion at the end. You can also include recommendations. At the start of the dissertation, you know a little about abstract. That’s why the abstract should be written at the end of the dissertation. You can complete the writing part in almost four days.


After completing most of the writing part, quickly move to the references list and editing. It will take a lot of time sometimes even more than writing. So, read the first draft of the dissertation. There is a huge possibility that you will find many mistakes in the first draft. Start correcting them. Proofreading and editing is the final part of the dissertation. You can check your grammar or spelling mistakes by using online tools. Use plagiarism checkers to check plagiarism. Make sure your content is unique and is not copy wasted. Make sure your dissertation is following university guidelines.

Read More: Things To Focus On While Writing Dissertation Abstract

Get Feedback:

  You should leave ample margin room for yourself or the supervisor to make future edits while writing a draft. You can also consider adding graphs or tables if recommended by your supervisor. Later, the margins in the final copy can be changed to a size that fits the requirements. Research typically takes a year or even a few years. But you can also complete it in a shorter time, you just need to get relaxed and focus. Preparing a dissertation is a daunting job but, like all the others, it is achievable. Use the above-stated strategy and planning to write 12000 words dissertation in a short period.

Top Reasons To Know Why Socializing Is Important For Student

Why Socializing Is Important

Socialization means going out and meeting people in simpler words. People especially students tend to ignore this very thing who has hectic study schedules. Or we can say that some people are just too shy to come out of their rooms and meet people. Socialization is as important as the study itself. Socialization has a lot of benefits, much more than you think. It not only develops confidence but also is a great cause of learning. As we know learning through experience is more beneficial than just by reading books. We do the same while socializing; we meet different people and learn different things. Listed below are top reasons by coursework writing services to know why socializing is important:

It Builds Your Self Confidence:      

This is such an important reason to know why socialization is important. Many people neglect this reason, but we will rate it as a top reason to socialize. For example, students who are studying college and are introverted will find themselves exposed to awkward situations. It is because they are not social; they do not like meeting new people. It means they have low self-confidence and shy away from talking with people. Being shy is normal and you just need a little push to come out of your comfort zone. You should start socializing and let go of this shyness. If you start socializing you will see enhanced self-confidence in you.

It Improves Your Study Life:

 Sometimes you are sitting in your room or a corner of a college cafe all alone needing help. But when you are not social, you don’t have the confidence to ask for help from anyone. It only causes stress and anxiety. And if you have a study group or friends they can help you whenever you need help. You can ask for help without any hesitation. Studying alone is always a bad idea because you will feel anxious even in breaks. Taking breaks would not refresh you when you are sitting alone and still thinking about study tasks. Studying in a group is fun. You can solve each other’s problems and can have fun study breaks. This can also help in boosting your entire study experience.

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It Exposes You To Different Cultures:

 When you are studying in a college you see people belonging to different religious or cultural backgrounds. But only seeing them is not enough. You should get out of your comfort zone and meet them. By doing so, you will meet different people with different thinking capacities and cultures. Taking to them will make you learn about a lot of new things and traditions. Knowledge is power. If you have more knowledge you will feel more confident while interacting with people. It not only makes you learn new things but also in a new and more practical way. It will broaden your perspective of how you see things. And college time is the best time to do it. Be it attending a party or going out for dinner. You should always do it.

It Makes You Happy And Healthy:

Human beings are social naturally. They cannot survive all alone if they stop meeting people. And you should know that if you are not socializing and living in isolation, then it will harm your mental health. People who go out most often are more likely to be happier and healthier. You must have experienced that whenever you are disturbed you always feel relaxed after talking to a friend or relative. It shows that socialization is not only important for your learning but also your mental and physical health, if you are mentally stable, you will feel happy. Socialization also improves the immune system and contributes to your well-being. You must steal some time from your hectic schedule to go out and socialize.

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It Will Help You Build Contacts:

Everyone likes friends at least most of the people. Highs are lows are a part of human life. There can maybe come a time when you will need someone’s help. It may be related to your job or study. You need someone to talk to, to share your problems or ask for help. If you are a social butterfly, then you will have a lot of contacts or a network of friends. In this situation, you can always rely on them for opening up or asking for help. They will be there for you in your good and bad times. This is a big relief if you have your friends standing by your side in hard times. All these reasons tell us how important socializing is not only for students but also for everyone.